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G.Network broadband: What's on offer?

G.Network is a full fibre broadband provider that installs and operates their own independent network in London.

They offer gigabit-capable full fibre to the home connections, with speeds up to 900Mbps. Customers can choose from the following plans:

  • Ultrafast
  • Gigafast
  • Gigafast Extra

The Gigafast Extra plan offers symmetrical upload speeds. All plans come with a WiFi 6 enabled router by Nokia, and G.Network promise customers no mid-contract price hikes.

Customers can't add a phone line, but they can choose from one of three contract lengths, including 1 month, 12 months, and 24 months. Shorter contract length plans see a slight upfront fee and a slight increase in the monthly price too.

Availability of G.Network broadband

G.Network passes around 400,000 premises in London, with a focus on central London, including areas such as:

  • Westminster
  • Chelsea
  • Kensington
  • Notting Hill
  • Mayfair
  • Camden
  • Islington
  • Hampstead
  • St John's Wood
  • Brixton
  • Streatham Hill

To see if your property is covered by G.Network, use our free postcode too above.

While G.Network paused building in 2023, they announced their rollout would resume in early 2024, and continue to work towards their target of 1.3 million premises in London by the end of 2026.

In 2024, G.Network continued to build in Camden, Hackney, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea.

G.Network broadband speeds

G.Network offers three broadband speed tiers, with two gigabit connections allowing customers to choose between asymmetrical and faster symmetrical upload speeds.

Customers can choose from download speeds including 300Mb and 900Mb, while upload speeds range from 100Mb, 300Mb, and 900Mb.

Here are the average download and upload speeds for each G.Network broadband deal:

Average download speed Average upload speed
Ultrafast 300Mb 100Mb
Gigafast 900Mb 300Mb
Gigafast Extra 900Mb 900Mb

Advertised average speeds, like those listed here, must be received by at least 50% of G.Network's customer base between the peak hours of 8pm to 10pm in the evening when the network is busiest.

New customer offers

G.Network offer introductory prices for the length of the minimum term for new customers signing up online through the links above.

Out of contract prices typically increase by £5 per month, and setup is also free on some packages for new sign ups.

New customers moving to G.Network may also be eligible for a contract buy-out offer of up to £150 on any early leaving penalties paid as a result of cancelling another broadband provider to move to G.Network. Terms apply.

To compare the latest special offer prices available for G.Network broadband, you can compare their packages in the table above. It's important to click through on offers using the 'Get deal' buttons and sign up online to ensure you get the prices listed.

Key terms of G.Network broadband deals

G.Network offer customers the choice of three contract terms, 24-months, 12-months, and monthly rolling terms.

While setup and monthly fees do increase slightly on the shorter contract periods, this gives customers more flexibility and avoids early leaving fees for otherwise having to cancel a contract term before the minimum period ends.

During the minimum term contract, G.Network promise not to implement any mid-contract price rises, so the price at the start of the contract will remain the same.

At the end of the minimum term period, G.Netwok increase prices of the broadband deal by £5 per month.

Finally, if a customer does cancel their service at any point, the router and any WiFi boosters provided will need to be returned to G.Network.

G.Network social broadband tariff

Individuals and families in receipt of means tested benefits will be eligible for G.Network's social broadband tariff, Essential Fibre.

Essential Fibre offers a full fibre broadband connection with average download speeds of 50Mbps and upload speeds of 15Mbps.

There is no setup fee to access Essential Fibre, and customers will pay just £15 per month on a 12-month minimum term.

Eligible benefits include:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit (guarantee credit)
  • Income-related Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

Read more on social broadband tariffs and how they can help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What router comes with G.Network broadband?

G.Network supply a WiFi 6 enabled Nokia router will all of their broadband plans. Customers will receive either the Nokia G-2426G-A or Nokia XS-2426G-A models, which share the same specifications.

The Nokia router is a dual-band device that supports up to WiFi 6, or 802.11ax, over both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless channels. The router also supports mesh and the latest WPA3 security encryption. It comes with the Nokia WiFi mobile app to easily manage the settings.

Can I access WiFi boosters with G.Network broadband?

The Nokia router supplied with G.Network broadband supports mesh, and customers can access WiFi boosters by taking the Full-On WiFi service for an extra £7.50 per month.

Customers will then be provided up to 3 WiFi boosters to achieve whole home wireless coverage. After the first booster is provided, if customers need additional devices they'll have to pay a £19.99 postage and packaging fee for each additional device.

Does G.Network broadband need a home phone line?

G.Network full fibre broadband is a data-only line and does not require a home phone line to work.

However, it also isn't possible to add a home phone service with G.Network, so customers will have to rely on their mobile phones to make and receive any calls.

Will G.Network broadband prices go up?

G.Network promise no mid-contract price hikes, so prices will remain fixed for the duration of the minimum term.

At the end of the minimum term however, prices will revert to the standard monthly price, which is typically £5 more per month. At this stage, customers could re-contract onto another deal with G.Network or switch away.