Can I get Virgin Media? Check your postcode

Last updated: 4 November 2024   By Julia Kukiewicz

Our Virgin Media postcode checker can tell you if their broadband and TV service is available in your area.

To find out if Virgin Media is available in your area you can use our postcode checker tool below, to search and see which Virgin Media broadband and TV packages you can get.

All customers on Virgin Media's network can now access their gigabit broadband plan Gig1, while those in newer connected areas can get multi-gigabit speeds with Gig2.

In addition, a recent £4.5 billion investment in the network will see their coverage increase to 80% of the UK by 2026.

virgin media availability to homes
Credit: Virgin Media

Can I get Virgin Media?

Virgin Media currently covers around 60% of the UK, passing over 17.8 million homes, although they have so far focused mainly in urban and suburban areas.

Our Virgin Media postcode checker shows whether their network is available in your area. Simply enter your postcode in the box below to find out:

Check availability for Virgin Media in your area

When asking whether you can get Virgin Media in your area, it's worth noting that variety within postcodes (and even streets themselves) is common, so checking directly with your postcode and house number is also important.

While our postcode checking tool offers a high level of accuracy, only the Virgin Media site (click through to check with them directly) can provide 100% certainty for specific addresses.

For people who are lucky enough to be living within a Virgin Media enabled area, we have guides and reviews to help choose between their different broadband and TV offerings.

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We've even more which can be found by searching our guide.

Compare the latest pricing and special offers on all of Virgin Media's bundles.

Where is Virgin Media available?

Virgin Media is currently available to more than 17.8 million premises, which is about 60% of the UK.

That's a figure that's been steadily growing as a result of their Project Lightning initiative, as well as their partnership with wholesale Nexfibre, which have been slowly expanding the network over the past few years. In the first quarter of 2023, Virgin Media added 108,000 homes to its network, and their latest financial results confirm they're on target to reach a total of 23 million homes by the end of 2026.

Nexfibre is a joint venture between the owners of Virgin Media and O2 - Liberty Global and Telefonica. Initial connections on Virgin Media via Nexfibre went live in June 2023, with over 500,000 premises added to the network. They've also released build plans for the coming 12-month period and have a target to add 5 million premises to the Virgin Media network by 2026, having now passed over 1.6 million premises.

While Virgin Media are most commonly found in urban areas where demand is highest, they've also been gradually reaching out to connect smaller towns and villages.

Throughout 2024 for example, Virgin Media and Nexfibre have connected properties in Huddersfield in Yorkshire, where the provider added 11,000 new homes to its network. In October 2023, they also connected an additional 24,000 homes in Wakefield.

This year has also seen Virgin Media's broadband become available for the first time for 24,000 residents in Wirral, 25,000 homes in Lowestoft, and 18,000 more homes in Horsham.

nexfibre build plan 2025, 2026

Upcoming build plan for Nexfibre/Virgin Media coverage 2025/26. Source: Nexfibre

As you can see from the map above of Nexfibre's build plan for 2025 - 2026, they should be doubling their network in the next couple of years (although this only includes Nexfibre coverage, and not Virgin Media's existing network).

However, there are also large areas, particularly Wales, Scotland, rural England including large areas of Yorkshire and Suffolk, as well as Dorset, Devon, and Cornwall, where Virgin's network hasn't yet been expanded to.

For residents of Cornwall, Devon and Dorset, Nexfibre are at least planning to roll out into these counties in the next couple of years.

Gig1 availability

Every home passed on the Virgin Media network can now receive their gigabit-capable Gig1 package that offers average download speeds of 1.13Gb per second at peak times.

While Gig1 was first launched back in October 2019, Virgin Media took just over a further two years to upgrade their entire network to gigabit broadband.

In fact, it took until November 2020 for Virgin Media to switch on Gig1 broadband for homes in London and Northern Ireland, having upgraded around 6.8 million homes, or 45% of the UK, by this point.

The upgrade steadily increased pace however, as by mid 2021, Gig1 became available in Bristol, Sunderland and York, and reported an upgrade total of 8.3 million homes.

The gigabit network upgrade was eventually completed in December 2021, with the final 1.1 million premises upgraded in Plymouth, Exeter, Hertfordshire and Surrey.

As a result, then, everyone living within a Virgin Media enabled area can now choose from the complete range of broadband speeds including the recently upgraded M125 and M250 packages, as well as faster speeds including M350, M500, and Gig1.

Gig2 availability

For those homes connected by the new Nexfibre network, or where Virgin Media has upgraded connections to full fibre broadband, residents will also be able to access their fastest plan Gig2.

Gig2 offers average download speeds at peak times of 2Gb per second, while customers can also access an optional symmetrical upload speed boost add-on, increasing upload speeds from 200Mbps to 2Gbps as well.

Full fibre customers can also access the symmetrical upload speed boost across all of Virgin Media's packages as well.

One downside to the new full fibre connections however, is they don't support the DVB-C technology used to deliver Virgin's TV 360 service, and so, customers who sign up to Virgin TV will be provided with the Stream box instead.

Network speed upgrades

As well as rolling out a network expansion to reach more properties, Virgin Media is also investing in upgrading their existing network to full fibre to the premises, which should support download speeds up to 10Gb.

Around 14.3 million properties are connected to Virgin Media's network with coaxial cable, which has more limited top speeds and less reliability than full fibre connections.

Project Mustang, the name for the full fibre upgrade, will cost around £100 per property but will future proof Virgin Media's network and allow for faster broadband speeds, particularly in terms of uploads where full fibre can be symmetrical.

Yet, even existing customers on coaxial cable connections have benefit from boosts to both upload and download speeds in recent months.

In October 2022, Virgin Media boosted the download and upload speeds of their entry level M100 and M200 packages, renaming them M125 and M250 in the process. Download speeds were boosted from 108Mb to 132Mb, and 213Mb to 264Mb.

More recently in May 2023, customers on M500 and Gig1 plans benefited from a speed boost to average uploads from 36Mb to 52Mb, and 52Mb to 104Mb per second, bringing their fastest tier plan in line with resellers of Openreach full fibre.

Will Virgin Media expand to my area?

If you've used our Virgin Media postcode checker above and found Virgin isn't yet available in your area, hope is not lost. While their cable network was fairly stagnant for several years, Virgin Media have made commitments to increase their coverage to 80% of the UK as soon as 2026.

At the time of the Virgin Media O2 merger in June 2021, they pledged to add an additional one million premises to Virgin's network within 12 months of the deal closing, and cited an ambition to add a further seven million in the future too.

Since July 2021 then, Virgin Media have expanded their network to an additional 1.8 million premises, with the help of Nexfibre.

What's more, in July 2022, Virgin Media O2 announced a £4.5 billion investment was being made to expand their network up to an additional 7 million premises, taking their network footprint to 23 million, or 80% of the UK.

Closely matching the ambitions set out during the merger then, this investment is expected to bring Virgin Media services to 5 million homes not yet on their network by 2026, with the option to expand to a further 2 million thereafter.

It's likely then, that for people living in relatively urban or suburban areas, that Virgin Media may very well become available to them within the next few years.

While Virgin Media used to operate a Cable My Street team where people could directly request coverage of their home or street, they now focus more on receiving requests from new build developers.

However, we have more information on requesting Virgin Media expansion.

Why does Virgin Media availability vary?

Virgin Media operate their own independent network, and deliver their broadband and TV services via their own fibre optic cables.

As a result, unlike the copper phone line network that's used by BT and their resellers, Virgin Media doesn't necessarily pass every street in an area, or even every house in a street.

The reason most likely goes back to when the network was originally laid by NTL as a cable TV service, who perhaps faced obstructions in certain areas, or for certain properties, or perhaps there was simply no demand at the time from that particular street or household to get connected.

This has however left the uncanny, and likely frustrating situation, where sometimes your neighbours can get Virgin Media, but you can't.

In addition, while Virgin Media partnered with the Home Builders Federation in 2016, and now seem keen to work with new build property developers, houses built in the last twenty or so years, may have been connected to the Openreach network as a requirement of Universal Service, but then overlooked any other provider.

Overall however, it's clear Virgin Media have their aims set on rivalling Openreach for full fibre provision across the UK, even to the point of offering a rival wholesale service for providers like TalkTalk and Sky to resell as they currently do with Openreach.

All in all, then, it's very likely any gaps in Virgin Media's network will eventually end up connected. In the meantime, however, there are likely to be plenty of alternatives.

Alternatives to Virgin Media

While Virgin Media currently has the widest availability of gigabit-capable broadband in the UK, overall, as we've seen, they still only cover 60% of the UK.

And even after 2026, their target of 80% coverage, while ambitious, will still leave some properties disconnected.

For people living outside of Virgin Media's network then, what are the best alternatives?

The first step is to enter your postcode into our availability checker and it'll return the broadband packages available in your area. You can then choose to sort deals by fastest speeds, or lowest price, depending upon your preferences.

If you're more interested in price however, check out our main broadband comparison where you can see all of the deals available to you ordered by the cheapest first.

For a quick check of the networks in your area, try our postcode checking tool below:

For people who want Virgin Media for their TV service, there are an increasing number of providers who bundle decent TV options with their broadband.

TalkTalk offer a bundled TV service for just £5 extra a month, and customers can add services from Netflix, Prime Video, and NOW to access premium channels from Sky.

Sky themselves have also just launched a new streaming platform that doesn't require a satellite dish or feed, and needs just a 10Mb broadband connection to work. It offers 150 TV channels including Sky entertainment channels like Sky Atlantic, Netflix, and the option to add packs including Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, TNT Sports, Sky Kids, and access on-demand apps from Discovery+, Prime Video, Apple TV+, and many more.

Overall, there are many ultrafast broadband providers available in the UK, and providers including Sky, TalkTalk, BT, and NOW, all offer bundled broadband and TV services that rival Virgin Media.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check availability for Virgin Media?

Our Virgin Media postcode checker (available here) allows customers to search to see if Virgin Media services are available in their area.

Our broadband search tool will also show you which Virgin Media broadband and TV packages are available, with the latest pricing and special offers for new customers.

For the best accuracy however, we recommend checking availability by house number and street, as well as by postcode, because Virgin Media's network doesn't necessary pass all houses in the same postcode.

Is Virgin Media Gig1 available to me?

Virgin Media completed their gigabit network upgrade at the end of 2021. This means, all properties on Virgin Media's network can now access their fastest Gig1 service.

So, if you've used our Virgin Media postcode checker and found their services are available, you'll also be able to get Gig1 too.

Virgin Media are also in the process of upgrading their network to full fibre, from a fibre/coaxial mix. While it's not due to complete until 2028, it means even faster speeds will be available on their network in the future.

Find out more about Gig1 in our full review.

Can I request Virgin Media connect my house?

Potential customers can register interest on the Virgin Media website, although there is no guarantee they will subsequently roll out services to that particular area.

For the moment, Virgin Media have recently invested £4.5 billion in the expansion of their network to a further 7 million homes by 2026, so it's possible Virgin Media will become available to you within the next few years.

We've more information on the Cable My Street service.

How is Virgin Media installed?

Households that have previously been connected to Virgin Media will often be sent a self-install pack, and won't require an engineer appointment.

However, if your property hasn't been connected to Virgin Media before, they'll connect your property to their network using a full fibre cable. They may require a Wayleave access agreement if they need to do work on your land, for example running a cable across your garden.

Any cabling laid on your property, after it leaves public road, can be discussed as to the route it takes and how it's installed (within reason).

Other than any setup fee on the cost of the package you choose, there is no cost for Virgin Media installing their network or cabling to connect your home.

Are Virgin Media expanding their network?

Virgin Media have been steadily increasing their network since 2017 when they launched Project Lightning. To date, the programme has connected over 3 million additional homes.

When Virgin Media O2 merged they set out their ambition to connect a further 7 million homes to their fibre network, and in July 2022, they announced an investment of £4.5 billion which would be used to connect 5 million homes by 2026, with the option of a further 2 million thereafter.

As such, Virgin Media has aims to grow their broadband and TV network to 23 million premises by 2026, giving them a coverage figure of 80% of the UK.

Summary: Check your postcode

Virgin Media offer some of the fastest broadband around, and currently boast the widest coverage of gigabit-capable broadband in the UK.

Yet, their unique fibre optic network currently only covers 60% of the UK, and due to the way it was historically installed, has a uncanny tendency to miss out particular streets, and even houses.

Potential customers can check availability for Virgin Media using our postcode checker tool, which also lists and compares all of Virgin Media's deals side-by-side with the latest pricing and special offers.

Once you've found a Virgin Media package available to you, it's easy to click through to their checkout cart where Virgin Media will run a final check on your full address, including flat or house number, to both double check your individual property can be connected, as well as the broadband speed you can expect to receive.

Virgin Media O2 seem set to rival Openreach with their ambitious plans to reach more than 23 million premises by 2026, so anyone who can't yet get Virgin Media may well be connected in the not too distant future.

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